Tomorrow night is our Family Movie Night. Soo..Ive decided to make a little treat for us....
C A N D Y B U T T O N S ! !
They were so easy and much cheaper to make them, than it is to buy them!
*1 lb (1 box) powdered sugar
*2 egg whites
*1/4 teaspoon almond extract or lemon juice
**a few drops of water to thin out "frosting"
2.) combine frosting into 4 separate bowls and add your food coloring ((If frosting is too thick add water a few drops at a time until it is the consistence of sour cream))
***frosting should hold its shape when piped out of baggie.
6.) Let harder over night, then store in zip baggie or container.
I know, I know...mine don't look the prettiest!...but the kids were still impressed and cant wait to get their little hands on 'em!
Good Luck!
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